News Engineering and Spiritual Demeaning of Iran (Middle East) – Azadi News

In news engineering, the subconscious mind of the listener is involved; in this engineering, individuals are persuaded, encouraged, or incited without realizing it, without being demeaned, tempted, or discouraged. Each piece of news is a spiritual morsel for those who are seeking the right path in life.

The hand of news engineering is indeed astonishing, as it does not emerge uniformly from both Eastern and Western poles. In the East, it is characterized by relentless efforts and sometimes overt government insults, and daily government behavior and infringement of spiritual rights are constantly justified and reinforced under various names such as religion and government. But in the West, news engineering is subtle, complex and professional, and its impact on society is very apparent.

Today, BBC reports on the victory of Alexander the Great 1 in Gaza over the Achaemenid Empire. While Europe agreed on the greatness of Alexander. While Europe does not count any Iranian as grad and greater with such a generous title. In this Gaza turmoil, Europe (although not all, as among political elites some distinguish genocide from war) stands alongside Israel and supports the abuse of the reversed Gospel (Torah). The reversed Gospel is a book that deprives humanity (namely Amaleks) of some rights and allows another group to commit massacre and genocide.

CNN’s report on the death of five-year-old Hind (Hend) Rajab along with her family, which was reported dead two weeks after the phone call of fifteen-year-old Layan Hamadeh, who was also martyred, shows that the Israeli military is deliberately committing crimes against children, what is seen in the public media about this massacre is like the tip of an iceberg that has been forcefully pushed out of the ocean. They also martyred the Palestinian Red Crescent paramedics that were sent there to save the children (Yusuf Zeino and Ahmed Al-Madhoun).

In another case, the same broadcasting company has published an image of the prosecution of a surprisingly living man in Israel’s custody and referred to it as a probable case of war crimes 2, for those who observed the brutality in killing tens of thousands of children such violent act is considered close to normal scene. While a close to extreme genocide is happening in our time, we shall be very considerate of the news sources and our path toward an enlightened nation. While dealing with such matters requires a special task force in news engineering, the ugliness and immoral behavior of government-affiliated authorities have left little room for enlightening people’s minds, and governmental tools are not suitable for this task. Therefore private and small media have to bear the responsibility for such illumination.



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