ISIS tango with NATO


One of the ancient Hindu rituals is snake charming and snake dance, which still prevails in India. In these confrontations, a musician, with an instrument resembling a flute or a snake charmer’s pipe, hypnotizes the snake to capture it by hand. The Indian film “Nagin,” starring the famous Indian artist “Sridevi,” was one of the most beautiful classic films in Indian cinema.

However, in the political sphere, after the sounding of Israfil’s trumpet (angel in Islamic tradition), the snakes emerged from their dens and began dancing together. The recent attack by ISIS on Russia, resulting in the deaths of dozens, coincided with Israel’s relentless efforts to intensify Islamophobia beyond its borders and the attack on the Qasem Soleimani ceremony, which led to the deaths of about a hundred people, including the martyrdom of children, indicating their alignment and coordination with Israel.

The collective memory of the Middle East nations has not forgotten the devastation and cultural heritage destruction in Syria and Iraq during the ISIS uprising in 2014-2015, and the displacement and ruin of millions of Middle Eastern and Afghan citizens. During the Palestinian genocide and Gaza, one of the major groups whose actions and policies benefited the oppressed children and now hungry Palestinians is the same group that sought to overthrow Bashar al-Assad’s dictatorship in Syria at the expense of the high price of Syria’s destruction. Instead, the displacement of the Syrian, Lebanese, and Iraqi people was the result of their efforts to establish a Salafi interpretation of Islam and establish a technologically and culturally heterogeneous system.

Overall, ISIS’s policies have strangely intersected with NATO’s interests and arguments from the beginning until now, although the grassroots layers of this group do not accept this argument in language and belief. How this group is armed and how they are financed may be a clue to the involvement of Israel, America, or other governments in supporting their alternative policies1.

Dr. Amirali R. Davoudpour

Secretary of Canon of Medicine and Law (Law and Healing Association)

Member of Independent International Bar (IIntbar)

Direct translation from Persian: OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (3.5) [Large language model].

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