Zionism as a German political movement


For those who have followed recent events in Israel, the similarity between the Holocaust and Gaza may not be unfamiliar. The use of starvation as a weapon, refugee camps, nationalist propaganda, etc., indicates the resemblance of Zionist policies to their old rivals, the Nazis. However, what this passage delves into is the tracing of the role of German philosophers in the emergence of ultranationalist movements and their formation as a triad of international mischief, namely communism, Nazism, and Zionism.

Socialism, fascism, and Nazism, behind their philosophical champions Marx, Proudhon, Nietzsche, and Gobineau, ultimately lit a fire under them, advocating for them globally, and inciting them to opposition and massacre1. Zionism, as the legacy of Theodor Herzl, began as the initiator of the idea of a Jewish state, but it was strengthened by their experience of the Holocaust and Capitalism, taking steps along a path that practically changed its trajectory from Orthodox religion and thought to a Germanized philosophy.

The difference between Zionism and Judaism is akin to the difference between Salafi thought and mystical Islam, as well as social Islam; that is, religion has been transformed into ideology. In this regard, Zionism identifies those who oppose its actions as anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic, similar to equating opposition to Nazism with opposition to Germany or opposition to Christianity. Of course, Zionism in this regard reaches for the tragic legacy of the Holocaust as a justified factor for the destruction of the Middle East, not Germany.

In conclusion, it must be said that the Zionist arrogance and its demonization of the people of the Middle East do not need proof. What has been proven over four generations (1948-2024) has become a public fact. What requires proof is the failure and crime of German-made philosophies in general, which necessitates philosophical and ethical research.

Dr. Amirali R. Davoudpour

Secretary of the Law and Healing Society

  1. جامعه شناسی تجدد ماکس وبر(جادوزدایی از جهان)، دکتر داور شیخاوندی، نشر قطره، 1383، صفحه 17 ↩︎

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