During a period when evidence of genocide in Gaza has increasingly emerged and its deliberate commission has been unequivocally admitted by Israeli authorities, reference to […]
Year: 2024
Israeli authorities’ satisfaction with the destruction and killing in Gaza.
Personally, I take pride in the ruins of Gaza, and every newborn, even 80 years from now, will tell their grandchildren what the Jews did. […]
Legal actions of Iranian students against European universities
Encountering discriminatory behavior and intellectual property destruction (sabotage) has embroiled at least two European universities in civil and adminstrative disputes. According to a report from […]
The disgrace of the axis of evil, an achievement of the children of Gaza.
Kian Pirfalak and Karoon Hajizadeh were symbols of confrontation and severity of the Islamic Republic against its opposition, placing the Islamic Republic alongside child-killing governments. […]
The Wheel of Iran’s Economy and Its Puncture
To understand economics, it is necessary to understand the fundamentals of supply and demand (consumption). Economics, like religion (Kalachakra), has a wheel that needs to […]
News Engineering and Spiritual Demeaning of Iran (Middle East) – Azadi News
In news engineering, the subconscious mind of the listener is involved; in this engineering, individuals are persuaded, encouraged, or incited without realizing it, without being […]
Foreign students and capitalism
With the globalization of the economy, some countries have opened their universities and institutions to foreign students and the provision of minimum scholarships to students […]
Decision 1: Annulment of medical documents and titles related to Israel
کانون پزشکی و حقوق ایران According to the charter dated 26.10.2023 of the former Red Sun and Lion Society of Iran and the supplementary proposal […]
Getting a job with knowledge or continuing unemployment with education
Dr. Amir Ali R. Davoodpour Education has always been a suitable path to ensure the correctness and well-being of one’s life. The pursuit of further […]
Charter of Establishment of Administrative Wing of Canon of Medicine and Law
With respect and courtesy, Following the charter of establishment dated 26.10.2023 for the formation of the Red Lion and Sun Society of Iran and the […]